Saturday 1 February 2020


It’s that time of year. The weather is getting to its worst, everyone seems to be over eating and over stressed and to make matters worse more and more people are getting sick. So how do you keep from getting sick? The answer is your immune system. There are several factors that can change how effective your immune system is, and in this time of year, we need all the help we can get.

Fruits and Veggies are your friends

i don’t mean the party ball you’re packing after the holidays but more so the billions of living bacteria that resides in your digestive tract. Don’t worry, they are meant to be there. A lot of research is going to see exactly how this flora of bacteria affects the immune system but it is an established fact that eating fruits and vegetables aid in the gut’s effectiveness to fight off the bad bacteria. So go ahead and eat that salad and apple, your immune system will thank you!

Sleep is a good thing

We have all heard about these super executives who only sleep for 4 hours a day and they claim that is the key to their success. Well I can’t speak on how it affects their business habits but I can tell you that not getting restorative sleep TRASHES your immune system. That’s right, late night partying or binge watching Netflix can actually make you more susceptible to illness. Who knew? The point is adults need to get a solid 7-8 hours of restorative sleep a night. So don’t hit continue watching and get some shut eye.

Stress is the worst

It has been said time and again that stress is a big problem. That holds true when it comes to stress and your immune system.  The stress response creates floods of adrenaline and cortisol that are meant to make us more alert and on edge. In reality people are stressed so often that they are in a perpetual state of fight or flight and that does damage to your immune system. Cortisol in particular is a strong immunosuppressant which weakens your body’s response to threats. So being stressed about being getting sick can actually make you sick. How is that for irony?


You may have heard of these or at the very least seen them on the shelf in your local drug store. At the very least you have heard of yogurt.  Well the bacteria that makes yogurt is actually super awesome for the natural flora of your intestines.  80% of the immune system is linked directly to the health of your gut. Probiotics are a proven way to help boost your body’s immune system and help keep yourself healthy.

Vitamin D is awesome

know its cold and windy outside and the idea of trying to catch some sun is one that probably doesn’t sound to appealing. Well it doesn’t, but there alternative ways to get your body the vitamin D it needs to help keep your immune system strong. I do not recommend sun tan studios because it is not actual sun light so it kind of defies the purpose, the places are usually not as clean as you would hope which will lead to you getting sick, and you look ridiculous you umpa lumpa wannabe. But there these amazing things called supplements and Vitamin D is one of the best ones. Especially during the winter months when its harder to get it from the sin, popping a small tablet and getting all my daily vitamin D needs is just so much faster, easier, and cheaper.

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