Monday 24 February 2020

Herbs and Ayurvedic Medicine for Natural Weight Loss

Even though technological advancements have made losing weight easier and more convenient, natural weight loss methods are still better. These methods definitely cost less and do not involve painful surgical procedures. One of the most common pieces of advice you will hear about natural weight loss is to eat healthy and avoid too much carbohydrates. Health experts and dieticians always remind people to opt for fresh vegetables and fruits, fiber-rich food, lean meat, and unprocessed grains. However, aside from having good meals, you can also attain natural weight loss by consuming certain herbs.

You may not believe it, but garlic can actually aid you in terms of natural weight loss. This flavor-enhancing herb has been found to be capable of reducing triglycerides and cholesterol, preventing cancer, and fighting infections. It is also capable of helping you achieve natural weight loss. How is this possible? Well, garlic has a strong odor that makes it an appetite suppressant. It increases the sensitivity of the brain to leptin, a hormone that regulates the appetite. It also stimulates the nervous system to release adrenaline, thus speeding up the metabolic rate, burning more fat calories, and resulting in natural weight loss.

Other herbs effective for natural weight loss are alfalfa, which can act as a diuretic and make fats soluble; burdock, which has laxative properties and can improve the metabolic rate; and chickweed, which can break down body fat, curb cravings, and aid in digestion. Cayenne pepper is another seemingly ineffective herb for natural weight loss. Just like garlic, it is more commonly used for flavor rather than its natural weight loss properties. Nonetheless, cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, a substance which helps in improving metabolism and digestion.

Hoodia gordonii is another helpful herb for natural weight loss. Since the early centuries, it has been used by African tribes as an appetite suppressant. It contains P57, a molecule that can send signals to the brain and trick it into thinking that the stomach is already full. As a result, lesser meals are consumed and natural weight loss is achieved. You can get hoodia gordinii in the form of pills, capsules, or powder. Do not worry because it does not have any unpleasant side effects.

Gymnema sylvestre and bladder wrack kelp are other popular herbs for natural weight loss. Gymnema sylvestre can be found in the forests of Asia and Africa. It can act on your taste bud receptors and trick your mind into thinking that your body has already had some sweets. Hence, your cravings for sweet desserts and other sugary goodness will be diminished. You will also not be able to taste the sweetness of sugary food for a while. As a result, you will consume less calories and be successful in achieving natural weight loss.

Bladder wrack kelp, on the other hand, is a type of seaweed that is high in iodine and good for natural weight loss. It can strengthen the thyroid, improve metabolism, and burn more fat. It can also suppress your hunger pangs and reduce your cravings. So, you will consume less calories and achieve natural weight loss. Nevertheless, you may also try other herbs effective in natural weight loss. You may try ginseng and seaweed, for instance. These herbs are helpful in improving digestion and suppressing the appetite. You may also try dandelion, cardamom, fennel, Siberian ginseng, and guarana.

You may also drink tea if you want to achieve natural weight loss. Drinking tea made from nettles can help you clear bodily toxins, ease cravings, and reduce weight. Green tea is good, too, as it contains antioxidants and it can help boost your metabolism and achieve natural weight loss. And although it also contains caffeine, it is not addictive. It even has Vitamin C which is very good for the body. You can also find it easily in the market along with other products for natural weight loss.

Cinnamon tea is believed to be effective for natural weight loss as well. Some people say that cinnamon can speed up the metabolism of the body and counteract the excess heat; thus, regulating the body temperature and burning excess calories through a process called thermogenics. Another theory states that cinnamon can affect the blood sugar levels. It is believed to decrease the blood sugar levels and increase the level of insulin, hence shrinking more fat cells. Because of this, many people think that diabetics can benefit the most from this natural weight loss method as they need more insulin.

You may also drink oolong tea for natural weight loss. Although this tea is not as popular as green tea, it has been proven to be beneficial in natural weight loss by experts. It can improve metabolism, burn fat through a process known as lipolysis, lower levels of cholesterol, and block dietary fat absorption. It is also ideal to be taken in with greasy food as it can block fat. Once you have successfully reached your target weight, it can even help you maintain it. Oolong tea is a great natural fat burner.

Of course, the popular ayuverdic medicines are also great natural weight loss options. After all, they will not be popular if they are not safe and effective. These medicines are designed to benefit both the mind and body. They help balance the vata, pitta, and kapha systems, and prevent a person from being overweight or underweight. As for natural weight loss, you can try a variety of ayuverdic medicines.

For instance, you can try triphala for natural weight loss. It is a mixture of bhibitaki (terminalia chebula), haritaki (terminalia bellirica), and amalaki (emblica officinalis). It is rich in vitamin C. Some of its benefits include digestive system improvement; detoxification; heart, skin, and eye health improvement; and natural weight loss. It can stimulate the production as well as the release of bile. Plus, it can help the body tissues prevent excessive water buildup. It can also help lower hunger pangs, effectively aiding you in natural weight loss.

Guggul is another ayuverdic medicine ideal for natural weight loss. It can improve the metabolism of the body. It can lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels. It can enhance the function of the thyroid gland and liver. It can also ensure good heart health. Various herbs such as guduchi (tinospora cordifolia), aloe vera, shilajit, gotu kola, barberry, and trikatu, a mixture of black pepper, Indian long pepper or pippali, and ginger in equal proportions, can also be combined to make an herbal medicine ideal for natural weight loss.

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