Friday 7 February 2020

Can You Make an Objective Comparison between Florida Auto Insurance Rates?

When it comes to car insurance, most vehicle owners are only interested in the price. If the broker presents them with 5 offers, most of them will choose the cheapest and stick to it. This might be the perfect way to choose an auto insurance policy, if you can predict the future and you know for a fact that you won't be involved in a car accident for the duration of the policy, but otherwise it might turn out to be just a bad judgment call.

Just like for any other product, when it comes to auto insurance, you sometimes get exactly what you pay for. Meaning that a low price policy will sometimes offer you only a low coverage in case of accidents. Any insurance provider licensed in Florida will offer you the mandatory insurance, but there are multiple other options that you might choose to purchase for increased security. The good news is that if you acquire multiple options you will receive additional discounts and you will end up paying less for a single insurance comprising full coverage, compared to the price you would get if you buy them separately.

What are the other forms of coverage that you might be interested in?

Collision coverage - this covers all the damages related to a collision, regardless of whether it was with another car, a tree, a building , a pole, etc. It will repay the cost of repairing your own vehicle and is also meant to protect you in case the other driver does not carry insurance according to the state laws; usually, this clause also takes into account a deductible fee that could be anywhere between $50 and $1000. The deductible is the part of the repairing that you will have to pay from your own pocket in order to have the car repaired. Most people go for a high amount in order to decrease the value of their insurance premium, but you should try to keep it at a reasonable amount, that you would be willing and able to pay in case of need.

Comprehensive coverage – it basically covers any form of damage suffered by your car that is not a direct result of a collision. Classic examples include a tree falling over your car, acts of vandalism or other forms of damage resulted after a fire or a flood. Those might seem like rather unlikely incidents, but if the price is low enough, it might be a good idea to purchase it.

Unlike the mandatory insurance coverage, which is meant to protect the victims of an accident, not necessarily the person that caused it, these additional options will protect you and your car, regardless of whether the collision was you fault or not or if an incident happened that was completely independent from you. Although acquiring them will  increase the overall cost of your insurance, buying them together with the mandatory property damage liability might result in only paying a small additional amount, but for much more coverage.

Most insurance brokers will try to maintain some of the lowest Florida auto insurance rates by only selling the basic policy, so be sure to ask them for an additional offer with multiple options in order to have a better idea of how much more you have to pay for your peace of mind.

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