Saturday 22 February 2020

Diet and Exercise Myths Keeping You From Losing Weight and Feeling Great

When it comes to diet and fitness, there are enough rumors and myths out there that it’s a miracle that anyone has a clue what they are doing.

Unfortunately many people accept these myths as facts, and their diet and fitness goals suffer as a result. Here is the truth behind 5 common myths.

I can eat whatever I want as long as I exercise.If only this were You can't out-exercise a lousy diet
You can't out-exercise a lousy diet

true! I hear this all the time and it always amazes me because the people saying it also complain that they are overweight and feel lousy. You cannot out-eat your exercise program. You need do understand how many calories you are eating each day vs how many you need to maintain your weight. If you don’t know those things you are taking a crap shoot with your weight.

Eating fat makes me fat. Possibly, but it’s not that simple because there are good fats, which your body needs, and bad fats, which can contribute to you putting on pounds, heart disease, and various other health problems. Oils from fish, nuts, and olives are healthy, oils from french fries, red meat, and donuts is not healthy and should be avoided.

Drinking lots of water will help me lose weight. Drinking water alone will not help you lose weight unless you are also controlling your calories and exercising.  Some studies claim that drinking cold water can help burn calories, but again it’s not going to make a noticeable difference unless you are controlling calories and exercising.

Everyone gains weight after they turn 40. This must be a joke. So you go to bed the night before you turn 40 and wake up the next morning and start putting on weight?  Not so. You can maintain a healthy weight at any age by controlling what you eat and exercising. This myth is just plain stupid!
Eating packaged foods that say “low fat” of “healthy” means I’m eating healthy. If you think this is true, I challenge you to turn one of those boxes around and read the nutrition label. You will discover that there are tons of added salt, sugar and fat (or combinations or all 3). The only way for food manufacturers to make low fat or healthy foods taste good is to pour sugar, salt or fat into them, and that’s absolutely not healthy. As a rule of thumb, any food that comes in a box or is processed or has an expiration date years into the future is going to be unhealthy. Once you leave the produce section of the grocery store you are in likely in unhealthy territory.

The diet and fitness industry is mostly driven by money, and they make money by appealing to your desire for a quick fix (diet in a bottle) and your desire to look like the models on the covers of the magazines.

There are hundreds of myths about diet and fitness, but we’ll start with the 5 I’ve listed above. In the end, the basics always work:

If you want to lose weight, burn more calories in a day than you eat.
Eat plenty of unprocessed foods.
Exercise, even if it’s only a walk after dinner.
Get enough rest in the form of sleep and activities that you find pleasurable.

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