Friday 14 February 2020


One of the biggest reasons that makes millions abandon their weight loss quest is a lack of motivation. They get tired of training and dieting and not seeing any results. Some lose motivation after 2 weeks and some 2 months. Whatever the case, the reasons are usually the same.

They feel that they’re not seeing results and what they’re doing isn’t working. Or maybe they’re just sick and tired of the drag of eating right and working out. The truth of the matter is that motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

The best way to motivate yourself is to make it a habit to eat right and exercise. You do not need motivation to brush your teeth or take a bath. You do it automatically. These are habits. Expecting to find motivation from external sources can only work for so long. You must develop the necessary habits that will guide you to success… and that takes time.

The hard truth is that even on days when you feel that all your training seems to serve no purpose and skipping a workout seems so tempting, you should tell yourself to still stick to the plan. You’re striving to build a habit. The same applies to your diet. When foods that you know you should avoid are happily calling out your name, stick to the plan.

It would be a good idea to write down why you started on your weight loss quest in the first place. What is your reason for doing it? Get down to the real emotional reason. Maybe you want your spouse to look at you in a whole new way. Or maybe you want to be healthy enough to see your kids grow up.

Write the reason on a piece of paper and make copies of it and stick it on your mirror, your fridge, above your bed, etc. See it often and read it often. Know why you’re doing it. When the feelings of despair and discouragement creep in and they inevitably will, your reason why you’re doing it will keep you going.

Take photos of yourself every 3 weeks or so. These will be a testament that you’re making progress. Rejoice in the small achievements that you make. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. Sometimes, you may be tempted to quit. It happens to most people.

Always remember that if you quit, you’ll need to start over some other time. Your innermost desires will keep resurfacing till you get what you want. If you quit now, you can bet that the following year or year after, you’ll make the same weight loss resolution that you made this year. So, keep at it. Get it done once and for all so that you have bragging rights and more importantly, self-satisfaction.

You may not have made it there yet, but every day that you stick with the plan, you’re that much closer to your goal then you were the day before. Watch other people’s body transformation videos on YouTube. Draw inspiration from those. If they can do it, so can you.

Get an accountability partner to check if you are committed to your plan. Tell yourself that you can do it. Weight loss is not a physical challenge. It’s a mental one. You must have the mental strength to push through. You can only do that by telling yourself that you can do it.

No amount of self-help tapes or motivational speeches will get you all the way to the end. The only way to motivate yourself will be to tell yourself that you can do it and believe that you can.

The truth of the matter is that your goal is closer than you think. When you’re going through hell, keep going. That’s all you need to do. Keep going even when every bone in your body doesn’t want to. The rewards will be sweet.

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