Tuesday 31 January 2017


The New Year is always exciting. It brings with it the possibility of a “new” beginning. You can get fit and have the body you desire. The dream just may come true this year even it didn’t all the previous years. You can just “feel” that it will happen this year… It’s in your bones.

The hard truth is that it probably won’t happen… if you do what you did last year. The weight loss resolution is the number one resolution made all over the globe every year. It is the most commonly broken one too. The reason for that is that people are creatures of habit.

January 1st is no different from any other day. You could start your fat loss journey on May 23rd or September 17th. It would make no difference to your body. Yet, people like starting things on a special day. It’s either the start of the year or start of the month or even start of the week.

of that matters. What truly matters is that you plan your journey well. If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail. Most people just dive into their weight loss journey with nary a thought about planning. By February, they get fed up that they’re not seeing results and quit… and the following New Year, they feel it in their bones all over again.

Measure your weight and take photos

This is the first step. You won’t know how far you’ve come if you do not know where you’ve come from… and if you don’t know where you’re going, you’re not going to get anywhere.

Take your weight. Write it down. Use a measuring tape and measure your biceps, waist, hips, thighs and chest. All these measurements will come in very useful later. You’ll also want to take a photo of your body from the front and side. Photos are the best way to track your progress.

Get a food / training journal

Get a book where you will write down what you eat and the workouts that you do. There is no need for 2 books. One will do. Let’s keep things simple and record everything down in one book.

Decide on your training program

You will need to assess your fitness level and choose an activity that will suit you. If you have led a sedentary lifestyle for years, embarking on an intensive program will be torturous and you will end up quitting. Structure a training regimen that you can handle and aim to make gradual progress.

Plan your caloric intake

Over 80 percent of your weight loss success will depend on your diet. You must know what your calorie requirements are and what number you should aim for in order to be at a caloric deficit. It is of paramount importance that you are at a caloric deficit. Failure to do so will mean that you never see any weight loss.

These 4 steps are so crucial yet so many people fail to do them. As long as you follow the 4 tips given in this article, you have laid the foundation for a successful weight loss journey. There will be other steps that we’ll get into much more detail later. For now, these 4 points are all you need to follow.

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